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"Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person"

7:57 AM, Posted by Chad Therrien, One Comment

This is worth watching

From the Smithsonian Institution, a dialog regarding library resources online.

This is an awareness test.. TRY THIS!

1:24 PM, Posted by Chad Therrien, No Comment

I found this on another cycling-fanatic's blog. Very interesting and a little scary, too.

Marketing Genius

7:17 AM, Posted by Chad Therrien, One Comment

How to offer money that no one will take

The image below is the lid from my yogurt breakfast. I love my morning creamy (fat-free!!) yumminess, but when I pull off the lid, I'm like a person handling nuclear waste with my bare hands. I can't get it into the trash soon enough.

Based on that, it is absolute marketing GENIUS to put a coupon (which I've dubbed a 'goopon') on the inside of the lid. Am I supposed to lick the lid clean, risking the unsightly yogurt-beard? Or maybe I should just let it dry and and take its grim, moldy, uckiness back to the store so they can try to scan the bar code through the hardened ooze? No, I'll just toss it. And I bet all but the most fervent coupon redeemers would do the same.

The day after the great snowfall we had in the Triad I had to stop by the local grocery store to pick up some frozen pizza (thats our staple food..). On the way to the frozen aisle, I stopped to check out the bread, eggs and milk. Sure enough, they were all but cleaned out on all three. My son says that the snow makes people crave French Toast.